Extrapolation Techniques#
Various techniques to extrapolate energies or properties to converged results are available in the literature. Frequently used examples are complete-basis-set (CBS) or complete-PNO-space (CPS) extrapolations of DLPNO-CCSD(T) energies. Such extrapolation techniques can improve the accuracy of the calculated property whenever quasi-converged technical settings are not feasible anymore. As these extrapolations typically require several calculations with different settings and a subsequent evaluation, they are an ideal case for automatization within Compound jobs. Many more compound scripts of frequently used tasks are available from the official GitHub repository.
Note that converging the CPS space alone may not be sufficient to obtain the most accurate results. It may be recommendably to also perform CBS extrapolation.
Example 1: CPS extrapolation#
Complete-PNO-space extrapolation [Bistoni2020b] is useful for any DLPNO method including DLPNO-CCSD(T), DLPNO-MP2, or even DLPNO-double hybrid DFT [Bursch2023]. In this case, the extrapolated correlation energy (ECORR, CPS) is calculated as:
We will employ a the Compound script extrapolate_PNO.cmp
from the GitHub repository to perform a CPS extrapolation for the π-stacked Uracil dimer and its monomer fragments at the DLPNO-CCSD(T1)/cc-pVTZ level.

Figure: Molecular structure of the uracil dimer.#
Let us explain the script! First, all desired variables for a CPS(6,7) extrapolation are defined:
%maxcore 8000
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------- Variables ------------------------------
# ---------- Variables that could be adjusted using 'with'-----
variable molecule = "mymol.xyz";
variable charge = 0;
variable mult = 1;
variable method = "DLPNO-CCSD(T1)";
variable basis = "cc-pVTZ";
variable restOfInput = "TightPNO cc-pVQZ/C VeryTightSCF";
variable loose_TCutPNO = "1e-6"; # Loose TCutPNO value
variable tight_TCutPNO = "1e-7"; # Tight TCutPNO value
variable F = 1.5; # The mulitplier
# ----------------- Rest of variables --------------------------
variable E_HF; # The SCF energy
variable ECORR_X, ECORR_Y, ECORR_CPS; # The correlation energies
variable ETOT_X, ETOT_Y, ETOT_CPS; # The total energies
Now, the first calculation with the less accurate TCutPNO parameter 1e-6 is set up and the resulting Hartee-Fock reference energy (E_HF
) and the correlation energy using this threshold (E_X
) are read:
# (Calculation 1)
# The calculation with the loose TCutPNO
!&{method} &{basis} &{restOfInput}
*xyzfile &{charge} &{mult} &{molecule}
TCutPNO &{loose_TCutPNO}
# % BASIS auxc "autoaux" autoauxlmax true END
The next part of our Compound job is the second calculation with tighter threshold 1e-7:
# (Calculation 2)
# The calculation with the tight TCutPNO
!&{method} &{basis} &{restOfInput}
TCutPNO &{tight_TCutPNO}
# % BASIS auxc "autoaux" autoauxlmax true END
Finally, the CPS-extrapolated correlation energy (ECORR_CPS
) is computed and summed up with the HF reference energy (E_HF
) to obtain the final energy (ETOT_CPS
). The detailed results are finally printed:
print("=========================== SUMMARY OF ENERGIES (Eh) ===========================\n");
print(" Molecule : %s\n", molecule);
print(" Charge : %-18d\n", charge);
print(" Mult : %-18d\n", mult);
print(" Method : %s\n", method);
print(" Basis set : %s\n", basis);
print(" Rest of input : %s\n", restOfInput);
print(" SCF Energy : %-22.8lf\n", E_HF);
print(" \n");
print(" Loose TCutPNO Tight TCutPNO CPS\n");
print(" ------------- ------------- -------------\n");
print("Correlation Energy %14.8lf %21.8lf %21.8lf \n", ECORR_X, ECORR_Y, ECORR_CPS);
print("Total Energy %20.8lf %21.8lf %21.8lf \n", ETOT_X, ETOT_Y, ETOT_CPS);
The full Compound script can be found in the dropdown:
Compound script - CPS extrapolation
%maxcore 8000
# Creator: Ahmet Altun
# *************************************** DESCRIPTION ********************************************************
# This script is for automating two point "Complete PNO Space (CPS)" extrapolation [1] of
# DLPNO-CCSD(T)/TightPNO energies.
# The CPS extrapolation is applied on correlation energies from two separate calculations performed
# exactly the same settings except TCutPNO values, set to A*10^-X and A*10^-Y, where A is a common
# prefactor in both TCutPNO values, and Y = X + 1. The two-point CPS(X/Y) extrapolation formula
# on top of the corresponding correlation energies is then as follows:
# E(CPS) =E(X)+F*(E(Y)-E(X))
# where E(X) and E(Y) are the correlation energies obtaind with the loose and tight TCutPNO thresholds,
# respectively (e.g., TCutPNO = 3e-6 and TCutPNO= 3e-7, respectively). E(CPS) is the CPS(X/Y)-extrapolated
# correlation energy.
# Optimal value of F was found as 1.5 on a wide range of diverse interactions in the GMTKN55 superset [1],
# and thus it should NOT be changed.
# With the combination of 1e-5/1e-6, i.e., with CPS(5/6), the paper reports MAE between 0.2 and 0.3 kcal/mol
# for relative energies on a variety of datasets of GMTKN55 superset.
# The combination 1e-6/1e-7, i.e., CPS(6/7), provides MAEs between 0.08 to 0.27 kcal/mol for the same set of
# molecules.
# The CPS scheme eliminates largely the system size depenence of the correlation energies, and thus provides
# accurate results also for very large molecular systems [2].
# *************************************** LITERATURE *********************************************************
# [1] A. Altun, F. Neese, G. Bistoni, JCTC 2020, 16, 10, 6142–6149
# [2] A. Altun, S. Ghoush, C. Riplinger F. Neese, G. Bistoni, JPC A 2021, 125, 9932–9939
# *************************************** DETAILS *********************************************************
# In Step 1, a calculation with a loose TCutPNO value is performed.
# In Step 2, a calculation with a tight TCutPNO value is performed.
# Then, the results from Steps 1 and 2 are used to get the extrapolated correlation energy.
# Finally, a summary table of unextrapolated and extrapolated energies are printed out in the output file.
# ****************************************** NOTES *******************************************************
# NOTE 1: One can use different TCutPNO values and basis set than those used in this script.
# NOTE 2: The exponents of TCutPNO values must be consecutive (e.g. 6/7, 7/8, etc.).
# Here we use 6 and 7.
# NOTE 3: Here we use the cc-pVTZ and the corresponding "/C" bases.
# NOTE 4: To use autoaux module instead of the "/C" basis specified in the simple input line, take the lines
# involving the BASIS block out of the comment for both Calculations 1 and 2.
# NOTE 5: Do not change the F value.
# ****************************************** METHOD *******************************************************
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------- Variables ------------------------------
# ---------- Variables that could be adjusted using 'with'-----
variable molecule = "mymol.xyz";
variable charge = 0;
variable mult = 1;
variable method = "DLPNO-CCSD(T1)";
variable basis = "cc-pVTZ";
variable restOfInput = "TightPNO cc-pVQZ/C VeryTightSCF";
variable loose_TCutPNO = "1e-6"; # Loose TCutPNO value
variable tight_TCutPNO = "1e-7"; # Tight TCutPNO value
variable F = 1.5; # The mulitplier
# ----------------- Rest of variables --------------------------
variable E_HF; # The SCF energy
variable ECORR_X, ECORR_Y, ECORR_CPS; # The correlation energies
variable ETOT_X, ETOT_Y, ETOT_CPS; # The total energies
# (Calculation 1)
# The calculation with the loose TCutPNO
!&{method} &{basis} &{restOfInput}
*xyzfile &{charge} &{mult} &{molecule}
TCutPNO &{loose_TCutPNO}
# % BASIS auxc "autoaux" autoauxlmax true END
# (Calculation 2)
# The calculation with the tight TCutPNO
!&{method} &{basis} &{restOfInput}
TCutPNO &{tight_TCutPNO}
# % BASIS auxc "autoaux" autoauxlmax true END
print("=========================== SUMMARY OF ENERGIES (Eh) ===========================\n");
print(" Molecule : %s\n", molecule);
print(" Charge : %-18d\n", charge);
print(" Mult : %-18d\n", mult);
print(" Method : %s\n", method);
print(" Basis set : %s\n", basis);
print(" Rest of input : %s\n", restOfInput);
print(" SCF Energy : %-22.8lf\n", E_HF);
print(" \n");
print(" Loose TCutPNO Tight TCutPNO CPS\n");
print(" ------------- ------------- -------------\n");
print("Correlation Energy %14.8lf %21.8lf %21.8lf \n", ECORR_X, ECORR_Y, ECORR_CPS);
print("Total Energy %20.8lf %21.8lf %21.8lf \n", ETOT_X, ETOT_Y, ETOT_CPS);
We now use this compound script to calculated extrapolated energies for the uracil dimer and its monomers and compare them:
Method |
Threshold |
ΔE |
10-6 |
-9.37 |
10-7 |
-10.33 |
CPS(6,7) |
-10.59 |
Note that for CPS extrapolation, it is recommended to keep all other DLPNO thresholds the same. In this example TightPNO
thresholds were used and only TCutPNO
was varied.
For details on the other thresholds, see the ORCA manual.
Example 2: two-point CBS extrapolation (EP1)#
For comparison, a typical two-point EP1 extrapolation can be found in the dropdown below:
Compound script - EP1 CBS(DZ/TZ) extrapolation
%maxcore 8000
# Author: Dimitrios Liakos
# Date : May of 2024
# This protocol estimates the complete basis limit (CBS) extrapolated electronic energy.
# It extrapolates separately the SCF part and the correlation part.
# For the correlation part by default the script uses single reference methods
# (e.g. DLPNO-CCSD, CCSD(T), CEPA ...etc.).
# A description of the notation we use here : J. Phys. Chem. A 2012, 116, 19, 4801-4816
# The exponents used for the extrapolations : J. Chem. Theory Comput., 7, 33-43 (2011)
# Original formulation of the SCF extrapolation : J. Chem. Phys. 2008, 129, 184116
# Original formulation of the correlation extrapolation : J. Chem. Phys. 1997, 106, 9639
# In the current implementation we perform the following steps:
# Step 1. Use cardinal numbers to evaluate intermeidate quatities eX and eY
# Step 2. Perform a calculation with basis set X (default: cc-pVDZ).
# Read SCF_X and corr_X
# Step 3. Perform a calculation with basis set Y (default: cc-pVTZ).
# Read SCF_Y and corr_Y
# Step 4. Extrapolate SCF energy
# CBS_SCF = (SCF_X*eY - SCF_Y*eX)/(eY-eX)
# Extrapolate correlation energy
# CBS_corr = (X^beta*corr_X - Y^beta*corr_Y)/(X^beta-Y^beta)
# Sum up to get totall extrapolated energy
# CBS_Total = CBS_SCF + CBS_corr
# Step 5. Print the results
# NOTE 1. For SCF we use the function:
# SCF(X) = SCF(CBS)+Aexp(-a*SQRT(X))
# NOTE 2. For correlation we use the equation:
# CBS(Corr)=(X^b*E_Corr(X))-(Y^b*E_Corr(Y))/(X^b-Y^b):
# NOTE 3: If the basis sets change, please make sure to adjust the 'alpha', 'beta' and 'cardinalValues'
# accordingly.
# NOTE 4: The values of the variables can also be adjusted using the 'with' command in the ORCA input.
# In this case if one want to experiment just with the exponents the values to be adjusted are:
# alpha
# beta
# In case the same method is used but different basis sets, then the the values to adjust are:
# basisSets
# cardinalNumbers
# alpha
# beta
# In case the method is changed then potentially also the reading properties should change
# method
# RefEnergy_prop
# CorrEnergy_prop
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------- Variables ------------------------------
# ---------- Variables that could be adjusted using 'with'-----
Variable molecule = "mymol.xyz";
Variable charge = 0;
Variable mult = 1;
Variable method = "CCSD(T) VeryTightSCF";
Variable RefEnergy_prop = "MDCI_Ref_Energy";
Variable CorrEnergy_prop = "MDCI_Corr_Energy";
Variable basisSets = {"cc-pVDZ", "cc-pVTZ"};
Variable cardinalNumbers = {2,3};
Variable alpha = 4.420; #based on F. Neese et al. JCTC, 7,33-43 (2011)
Variable beta = 2.460;
# ----------------- Rest of variables --------------------------
Variable X, Y; #The cardinal numbers
Variable SCF_X, SCF_Y; #The SCF energies
Variable eX, eY; #Useful temporary intermediates
Variable corr_X, corr_Y; #The correlation energies
Variable CBS_SCF, CBS_corr; #The extrapolated components
Variable CBS_Total; #The extrapolated total energy
Variable res = -1;
# -------------------------------------------------
# Use X and Y cardinal numbers to evaluate
# intermediate eX and eY values
# -------------------------------------------------
X = cardinalNumbers[0];
Y = cardinalNumbers[1];
eX = exp(-alpha*sqrt(X));
eY = exp(-alpha*sqrt(Y));
# -------------------------------------------------
# Calculation with small basis set
# -------------------------------------------------
!&{method} &{basisSets[0]}
*xyzfile &{charge} &{mult} &{molecule}
# -------------------------------------------------
# Calculation with big basis set
# -------------------------------------------------
!&{method} &{basisSets[1]}
res = SCF_Y.readproperty(propertyname=RefEnergy_prop);
res = corr_Y.readproperty(propertyname=CorrEnergy_prop);
# -------------------------------------------------
# Evaluate the extrapolate quatities
# -------------------------------------------------
# Extrapolate the SCF energy
CBS_SCF = (SCF_X*eY - SCF_Y*eX)/(eY-eX);
# Extrapolate the correlation energy
CBS_corr = (X^beta*corr_X - Y^beta*corr_Y)/(X^beta-Y^beta);
# Sum up
CBS_Total = CBS_SCF + CBS_corr;
# -------------------------------------------------
# Print the results
# -------------------------------------------------
print(" Extrapolation Scheme EP1 \n");
print(" (All energies in Hartrees)\n");
print("Description of the notation : J. Phys. Chem. A 2012, 116, 19, 4801-4816\n");
print("Used exponents : J. Chem. Theory Comput., 7, 33-43 (2011)\n");
print("Formulation of SCF extrapolation : J. Chem. Phys. 2008, 129, 184116\n");
print("Formulation of correlation extrapolation : J. Chem. Phys. 1997, 106, 9639\n");
print("Molecule : %s\n", molecule);
print("Charge : %-d\n", charge);
print("Multiplicity : %-d\n", mult);
print("Computational method : %s\n", method);
print("Basis sets : %s/%s\n", basisSets[0], basisSets[1]);
print("Cardinal numbers : %d/%d\n", cardinalNumbers[0], cardinalNumbers[1]);
print("Alpha : %-.4lf\n", alpha);
print("Beta : %-.4lf\n", beta);
print("------------------------------------ SCF Part -------------------------------------\n");
print("SCF Energy with %-14s : %-20.10lf\n", basisSets[0],SCF_X);
print("SCF Energy with %-14s : %-20.10lf\n", basisSets[1],SCF_Y);
print("CBS SCF Energy : %-20.10lf\n", CBS_SCF);
print("-------------------------------- Correlation Part ---------------------------------\n");
print("Correlation Energy with %-14s : %-20.10lf\n", basisSets[0],corr_X);
print("Correlation Energy with %-14s : %-20.10lf\n", basisSets[1],corr_Y);
print("CBS Correlation Energy : %-20.10lf\n", CBS_Corr);
print("------------------------------------ Total ----------------------------------------\n");
print("Total CBS Energy : %-20.10lf\n", CBS_Total);
#Final end
Do not forget to choose a suitable auxiliary basis for your calculations.
Uracil dimer
N 1.3769011 0.8397475 1.0276159
H 1.0518124 1.3862238 1.8163466
C 1.3089827 1.4575298 -0.2276640
O 0.9205614 2.6110778 -0.3329857
N 2.0114229 -1.2132083 0.1949192
H 1.7272855 0.9908427 -2.3190046
C 2.0257369 -0.6971712 -1.0714064
H 2.2975170 -1.3910600 -1.8526543
C 1.7145123 0.5919378 -1.3194962
H 2.1294542 -2.2015209 0.3498201
C 1.6459450 -0.4852060 1.3117093
O 1.5611160 -0.9718164 2.4228000
N -1.3769011 -0.8397475 1.0276159
H -1.0518124 -1.3862238 1.8163466
C -1.3089827 -1.4575298 -0.2276640
O -0.9205614 -2.6110778 -0.3329857
N -2.0114229 1.2132083 0.1949192
H -1.7272855 -0.9908427 -2.3190046
C -2.0257369 0.6971712 -1.0714064
H -2.2975170 1.3910600 -1.8526543
C -1.7145123 -0.5919378 -1.3194962
H -2.1294542 2.2015209 0.3498201
C -1.6459450 0.4852060 1.3117093
O -1.5611160 0.9718164 2.4228000
Uracil monomer A
N -0.2707028 0.7632994 1.0276159
H -0.5957915 1.3097757 1.8163465
C -0.3386212 1.3810817 -0.2276640
O -0.7270425 2.5346295 -0.3329857
N 0.3638189 -1.2896563 0.1949192
H 0.0796815 0.9143946 -2.3190044
C 0.3781329 -0.7736192 -1.0714063
H 0.6499130 -1.4675080 -1.8526542
C 0.0669084 0.5154897 -1.3194961
H 0.4818502 -2.2779688 0.3498201
C -0.0016589 -0.5616540 1.3117092
O -0.0864879 -1.0482643 2.4227999
Uracil monomer B
N 0.2707028 -0.7632994 1.0276159
H 0.5957915 -1.3097757 1.8163465
C 0.3386212 -1.3810817 -0.2276640
O 0.7270425 -2.5346295 -0.3329857
N -0.3638189 1.2896563 0.1949192
H -0.0796815 -0.9143946 -2.3190044
C -0.3781329 0.7736192 -1.0714063
H -0.6499130 1.4675080 -1.8526542
C -0.0669084 -0.5154897 -1.3194961
H -0.4818502 2.2779688 0.3498201
C 0.0016589 0.5616540 1.3117092
O 0.0864879 1.0482643 2.4227999